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Official Oklahoma Review List

Click here to view the July 2022 Review List in PDF Format


The OKLAHOMA BIRD RECORDS COMMITTEE (OBRC) of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society has maintained review status for records of Oklahoma birds determined by the species status in its current editions of the DATE GUIDE to the Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma. When the OBRC first began in 1985, it requested documentation of all species observations that fell outside the expected dates and regions it could specify for that species in the first edition of the DATE GUIDE. This review status has evolved over time. With eBird and the increase in numbers of incoming records evaluated under a similar format for supporting observations, the OBRC withdrew from formally evaluating most of the seasonal and regional rarities to what is now a review of more exceptional state records. 

The DATE GUIDE to the Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma is now in its Seventh Edition [Oklahoma Bird Records Committee (OBRC), 2019, Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Norman, OK;]. A Review List has previously not been specified explicitly, only implicitly as indicated above. The OBRC has decided to provide an explicit Review List here to include its current policy of (1) review for those species not given expected dates or region statuses in the current edition of the DATE GUIDE, (2) for records of those species assigned statuses in one side of the state observed in the other (so species given status in eastern Oklahoma ONLY noted in the Panhandle, and vice versa, with a few special exceptions), and for those species added to the State Checklist (see below) since the 2019 DATE GUIDE. 

The OBRC also processes any records of species not yet recorded for Oklahoma—new State birds. From this, it maintains an Official Checklist (The Oklahoma Ornithological Society Checklist of Oklahoma Birds, Sixth Edition (2022; see 


Oklahoma Bird Records Committee July 2022 

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